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          Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2013
Starbard Building

Members Present:        
Lisa Post, Erin O’Neil Bradbury, Robin Grady                    
        Members Absent:         
        Melissa Staiti, Nancy Owens
         Others Present:       
        Denise Morano, Recreation Director
       Dee Anne Grebinar, Recording Secretary
Lisa called the Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

MINUTES:    A motion was made by Erin and seconded by Robin to accept
                        the minutes of the January 8, 2013 meeting.
       The minutes of the January 8, 2013 were accepted as written.
      Adult Programs
Denise updated the registration numbers for the Session 3 classes. Classes include Hatha Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with a total of 25 participants, Zumba has 16 participants, Zumba with Pilates has 11 enrolled, 3CPYo has 16 participants, Yoga for Every “Body” 8 participants, Flip it for Fat Loss 7 participants and  YoTo (Yoga with Toning) has 10 registered participants. Denise commented about the numbers for these classes remain strong.

     Before/After School Programs
Denise went over the numbers for the Before & After School Programs. We currently care for 256 children each day.
     Davis Hill – 51 AM and 50 PM  
     Mayo        -  45 AM and 52 PM
    Dawson     – 27 AM and 31 PM
Denise commented that she had compared the number of children we had in the program last February with the number we have this February and the programs have an additional 40 children in them this year.  Denise feels the new housing developments in town are the reason for the increase in students.  She is encouraged by the numbers and the apparent need for the programs.  Erin complimented the After School Program at Davis Hill.  She has been doing a special activity for the school on Thursday afternoons and has had the occasion to see our program and is impressed by how organized and well run it is. Denise said we have hard working staff at each of the schools and we follow a set of rules set forth by the state.  She feels the children enjoy the programs.

The summer brochure is nearly complete.  Dates still need to be finalized for the All Day Program depending on whether there are any additional snow days.  The session dates are:  Session 1:  June 24 – July 5
                                                        Session 2:  July 15 – July 26
                                                        Session 3:  August 5 – August 16       

Denise commented that the All Day Program runs by the week and the other activities run for a 2 week session. She said there is no All Day Program held on July 4th, but the regular session activities do take place.  
Denise talked about the pool passes. She said they go on sale beginning Monday, April 1st at 9:00 a.m.  There are a limited number of non-resident passes available (400) and non-residents are usually lined up at the office first thing in the morning.  Non-residents cannot buy passes on line because they are cash only.  Denise said that residents do not need to come on the first day, because resident passes do not sell out.  Residents can buy their passes on-line and then come to the office with their receipt and identification to pick them up. If residents buy passes at the office they must do so with cash or a check.
Denise gave information regarding the summer programs.  Registration for residents will begin Saturday, May 11th at 9:00 a.m.  Registration for non-residents begins Sunday, May 12th at 9:00 a.m.  Registration for all programs is available on-line only.  She commented that there will be an early registration (early April) for the All Day Program for those children who have been enrolled in the Before & After School Program since September.  
The pools are tentatively scheduled to open, weekends only and weather permitting, beginning June 1, from noon – 5 p.m. The pools will open for the season on the last day of school at 1:00 p.m.  The last day of school at this time is Tuesday, June 18th.  The splash parties for the schools will be held the last full day of school and currently Dawson is the only school who has requested a party.
Robin asked if the pool is busy on the first afternoon and Denise said people usually can not wait to get there, especially if the weather is nice.
Denise said next week we will be calling the summer staff from last year to see how many of them plan on returning to work at the pool this summer.  We will then be able to determine our staffing needs.  Employment ads will be placed in the Landmark, on cable TV and on the town website.                 

Lisa asked if we ran the Ward Hill ski program this year and Denise said no, the cost had become prohibitive. Denise commented about the cross-country skiing. The class seemed enjoyable and people were seen using the tracks outside of the actual class.  The instructor allows the track to be used; he loves the sport and wants to get people interested in it.
Erin commented that the busy season for the Recreation Department is right around the corner.
Denise said that we will be draining some of the water from the pool at this time, because of the melting snow on the covers.  Denise is hoping that when we uncover the pools this year and inspect them that there will not be any damage to them.

                The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.  

        The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on March 12, 2013 @ 7:00 p.m.
        at the Starbard Building.

             Holden Recreation Committee                                                                                   February 12, 2013